Devil’s Advocate – People Who Are Against Military Discounts

I personally, am all for military benefits and discounts. This is me writing from the point of view of someone who is against them.

I’m sure you are aware that many stores, restaurants, hotels, and other businesses offer a military discount, which is usually about ten percent off. I am wondering why soldiers should get a discount when they chose to serve, just like teachers, firefighters and nurses choose to do what they do? It’s a soldier’s job to serve and be ready for action. It is unfair for them to get a discount at all these businesses, when firefighters are sacrificing their lives too. Nurses are saving lives, and teachers are shaping the lives and futures of our children. People in these serving fields have a right for a discount too, because they are taking risks just as much as military personnel are.

Military discounts are offered at many small and large businesses. A lot of chains have them, as well as local stores near you. They are also offered at waterparks, amusement parks, gyms, services, and many more.

It can be offensive to anyone who is sacrificing things in life to follow their passion and help people. There are many other occupations that deserve discounts because of what they do. I don’t think every business needs to offer everyone discounts, but if they are going to offer a military one, they should have to offer a discount for all of the other serving occupations.

These discounts can also hurt people’s feelings when they see that a store offers a military discount, because they may have wanted to enlist but couldn’t for some reason. Some can’t enlist when they have a medical issue, or don’t qualify for a number of other reasons. It could be hurtful for them to be reminded of this whenever they go to pay for something.

Also, I think it’s rude to show appreciation for soldiers just because they could or were willing to serve. Only certain people are right for the military, not everyone has the personality to serve.

I don’t believe that is wrong for businesses to offer military discounts, I just think that they should look at offering discounts to others if they are offering them to one.

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